About Us

Who We Are

Founded in 2001, Upper Room Deliverance Tabernacle (URDT) is a Christian based, family oriented organization, focused on spiritual development and inspiration, with dedication and commitment to community development, youth education and mentorship, as well as family health and guidance.

Our Vision

Our vision is to reach the world with the love of Jesus Christ. It is further, our greatest desire to cultivate an atmosphere, a culture, and a community that is undergirded with biblical principles in efforts to inspire people of every nation and language to a God-centered Life

Our Mission

Our mission is to collaborate with the Kingdom agenda, while experiencing transformation by God’s word, true worship, and life-long faith. We seek to share Christ with the world, give hope, and see lives renewed by the power and Grace of Jesus Christ.

Ways to get involved....

24/6 Youth Ministry

The next generation starts now!

Community Outreach Ministry

This is a great way to give of your time and resources to others in our Community that are in need.

Men/Women Ministry

Join our Men or Women's Ministry, and get/deliver gender specific enlightenment and encouragement!

Couples Ministry

Marriage is Honorable! God joined the Man and the Woman together to form a union that fulfills his purpose. Join our couples as we work to honor marriages and ensure the strength of the family.